Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday afternoon

School is almost finished and it was a rainy cool day here.  I decided to surprise the girls with an afternoon  off of school (which I have never done before!).  We came home as usual for lunch and when we were driving back to school I just kept going.  The Princesses were yelling "Mom you missed the turn!".  I was trying to keep a straight face and just kept going.  I then said 'let's ditch school this afternoon and go to the movies!"  The replies were "okay I know you are kidding and are going to turn around" and "I feel a bit guilty".  We did go to the afternoon showing of The Lucky One and really liked it.  And oh my did Zac Efron ever grow up!

Afterwards, we went for a little bite to eat at Opa.
Oh what a fun day and I know they will remember this for a long time!

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